The Danger of Foot and Mouth Disease in Livestock – A Review
Foot and Mouth Disease in Livestock
The FMD virus, also known as FMDV, is a member of the Picornaviridae family of the genus Aphthovirus. There are seven immunologically distinct FMD virus serotypes, known as Asia-1, A, C, O, South-African Territories (SAT) -1, -2, and -3. The disease's clinical symptoms include the development of vesicles on the lips, tongue, palate, tooth pads, nose, coronary band, gums, and interdigital spaces. There are many viral, host, and environmental factors that affect the epidemiology of FMD, including variations in viral virulence, particle stability in diverse microenvironments, and possible long-term survival. FMD can spread in a variety of ways, including through human contact with contaminated milk tankers or animal transport vehicles, the use of contaminated animal goods, equipment, or vehicles, or by the transmission of windborne viruses. Foot and mouth illness is not considered to be a serious public health hazard because the infection seems to be rare and the effects are self-limiting. Since the cost of disease control is added to the direct economic losses brought on by animal deaths, decreased milk production, and slowed animal growth rates, FMD epidemics indirectly harm the economy. Some of the techniques used to control FMD epidemics include mobility restrictions, quarantines, the death of infected and exposed animals, and cleaning and disinfecting impacted buildings, equipment, and vehicles.
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