Potential of Local Microorganisms Solution from Chicken Manure as a Bioactivator in Liquid Waste Treatment from the Fish Cracker Processing Industry
Local Microorganisms Solution from Chicken Manure as a Bioactivator
The wastewater produced by traditional food industry is a source of problem due to its high levels of organic compounds pollutant that can increase the level of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) values that exceed the established wastewater quality standard thresholds. The difficulty in removing high concentrations of organic material through conventional waste treatment necessitates the use of special treatment methods using local microorganisms’ solution as bioactivators to accelerate the decomposition of organic compounds. This research aims to identify bacteria in local microorganisms’ solution with potential applications in reducing organic compounds by its enzymatic activities. Based on the research results, among the 42 isolates examined, six isolates demonstrated the ability to hydrolyze starch, protein and fat based on qualitative tests. These isolates belong to the genus Bacillus based on partial sequencing of 16S rRNA gene. The qualitative tests confirmed the potential of these isolates as they exhibited enzymatic activities that showed potential to reduce organic compounds.
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