Situation Factor, Individual Factor, Endogenous Factor, Convenience StoreAbstract
Competitive shops have concentrated on impulse purchases to boost sales. Previous study concentrated on malls, ignoring convenience stores. This study aims to explore impulsive buying processes and influencing factors, emphasizing endogenous, individual, and situational factors. By understanding these relationships, retail companies can enhance consumer impulsive buying behavior. Data from 200 convenience store consumers were analyzed using LISREL 11 and SPSS 25. Results indicate that the primary driver of impulsive buying is a natural compulsion to act on impulse, with additional influences from emotional states, financial capacity, shopping enjoyment, and an individual’s impulsive tendencies. In-store browsing was found to have no impact on impulsive purchases. The study underscores the importance of situational, individual, and endogenous factors in driving impulse purchases in convenience stores, filling a significant research gap.
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