
Contrastive Analysis
Patani Malay

How to Cite

SAREH, N. (2023). COMPARISON OF THE STRUCTURE OF WORDS IN PATANI MALAY AND THAI. Issues in Language Studies, 12(2), 1–17.


This study investigates the structure of words in Patani Malay and Thai to determine the similarities and differences in the marker of the two languages through contrastive analysis studies. The data used in this study are collected from Patani Malay speakers who can speak the Patani Malay language well. They can remember most Patani Malay vocabulary and communicate with others on various topics. They can also tell stories or explain something with their language and still use their language in daily life. The informants are students, teachers, merchants, fishermen, farmers, and retirement people. This study indicates that the structure of words in Patani Malay and Thai languages has similarities and differences in rules. The equation includes the addition of affixes, compounding, and reduplication. The differences in the rule of the word in Patani Malay and Thai include the position of affixation, reduplication of the root and assigning an ‘emphatic high tone’, and semantic reduplication.


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