This study compares the Science and Non-Science university students’ performance in a short English writing activity on Facebook. In this mainly quantitative study, 86 Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Independent and Basic English Users from 4 classes (2 Sciences and 2 Non-Sciences), joined 4 separate Facebook Groups, managed by two class teachers. Each week, the teachers posted a pre-selected topic in the groups and the students were instructed to respond to it. The mean performance of the groups was compared by performing a paired samples t-test and an independent samples t-test of the pre-test and post-test. The post-test revealed a significant improvement in the students’ short writing performance (within groups), but no significant difference was observed between the Science and Non-Science groups’ performance (between groups). Individual interviews with the teachers revealed that both groups of students committed similar grammatical, structural, and vocabulary mistakes, however, the Science students were more active and confident in using the English language in the classrooms. In line with the constructivist view of language learning, the study highlights the importance of teachers’ instructions, feedback, monitoring, and encouragement in improving students’ short writing ability and consistency in writing practice.
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