This study aims to explore the impact of Task-Based Language Teaching on English-spoken production and interaction among English as a Second Language pre-university students in Malaysia. The quasi-experimental research design involved 63 pre-university ESL students and two ESL teachers from the Centre of Foundation Studies in Management at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Sintok, Kedah. Pre- and post-tests were conducted before and after the Task-Based Language Teaching intervention respectively. Data were also collected using semi-structured interviews, and online questionnaires. Data analysis procedures included a paired sample test, text analysis, thematic analysis and descriptive analysis. The results from the paired sample test revealed no statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups. However, the experimental group indicated considerable development in spoken production and interaction in terms of fluency through reduction of fillers and improved speech quality. The thematic and descriptive analysis found that TBLT encouraged the students to enhance their spoken abilities. The findings suggest that although TBLT has the potential to foster greater fluency and deepen students’ engagement in language tasks.
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