English language proficiency is considered an essential tool for Bangladeshi graduates to use in various aspects such as ensuring job security, attaining higher education, securing international business, using social networking, and communicating with friends and families. English language proficiency in personal development relates to Pierre Bourdieu’s (1986) concept of cultural capital in language learning and practice among Bangladeshi graduates. This study aimed to identify how graduates use English language as linguistic capital in the Bangladeshi context. This qualitative research utilised a phenomenological research design and thematic analysis. Purposive sampling technique was used to collect the data through face-to-face interviews involving 20 Bangladeshi graduates in the capital city Dhaka. The results indicate that English language proficiency is used as linguistic capital, which converts into economic capital in developing a career, earning money, and gaining prestige in communication. This study contributes to promoting an awareness among graduates to use English as linguistic capital in individual and national development.
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