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EMI, Tertiary Education, Practice, Perception, Evaluation

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SARAGIH, E. (2024). EFL LECTURERS’ PRACTICE, PERCEPTION, AND EVALUATION OF ENGLISH AS THE MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION IN TERTIARY EDUCATION. Issues in Language Studies, 13(1), 93–111. https://doi.org/10.33736/ils.5789.2024


Higher education institutions in non-English speaking countries, such as Indonesia, have practised English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in teaching-learning activities. Previous studies have explored EMI implementation policies and the difficulties of their implementation in Indonesian higher education contexts. However, this study examined the perception, comprehension, practices, and evaluation of EMI in Indonesia where English functions as a foreign language. The data of this study were taken from questionnaires distributed to 42 English lecturers. The results reveal that most lecturers’ speaking skills are in the very good category, 95% of lecturers understand the EMI concept well and always apply EMI to learning activities. In EMI practice, the lecturers face obstacles, especially in arguing concepts, explaining and clarifying concepts, giving examples, and defining concepts. In addition, the lecturers reported barriers to expressing content materials in English, preparing long materials, and requiring a longer time to explain materials. The study also reported some students' problems in EMI practice, especially dealing with their low confidence in using English and low ability to comprehend materials. To apply EMI successfully, both lecturers and students need to improve their speaking skills in the context of higher education in Indonesia.



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