This study examined the implementation of project-based learning (PBL) integrated with HOTS assessment in helping students develop their English-speaking skills. In addition, this study sought to explore the challenges faced by the teacher when implementing PBL with HOTS assessment. Using classroom action research (CAR) involving 32 ninth-grade students of a junior high school, qualitative and quantitative data were gathered in two cycles. The quantitative data were obtained via speaking tests whereas the qualitative data were acquired through interviews and observations. This research indicated that project-based learning through HOTS assessment helped the students hone their speaking skills as they had more chances to practise speaking. The students were more confident to speak in English. They actively participated during the discussion and could think creatively while performing the project. However, the teacher faced challenges as there were still students with a low mastery of vocabulary and a lack of participation in designing mini-drama scripts. PBL with HOTS assessment can be used as an alternative to facilitate students’ speaking practice in the EFL classroom.
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