Globally unprecedented changes in the education system heightened the functions and contributions of technology. Padlet emerged as an educational tool to address challenges in the continuity of quality education after the implementation of distance learning. This study examined the impact of using Padlet on second language learners’ in language and literature classes satisfaction with Padlet use. The study employed a mixed method design, which used a reliable (α=0.83) 40-item Likert scale questionnaire and five open-ended interview questions analysed thematically. Results revealed that Padlet significantly impacted (t (163) = -7.348, p<0.001) students’ proficiency in language and literature. Correspondingly, the students showed a significant improvement in submitting quality outputs, accomplishing assigned exercises on time, and establishing peer learning and encouragement. In addition, the students reported high levels of satisfaction (M=3.01, SD=0.43) with Padlet use. Therefore, schools may consider expanding Padlet’s use beyond language and literature classes to maximise its full potential in the teaching and learning paradigm.
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